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Fashion Revolution: 10 Years After the Rana Plaza Disaster

Fashion Revolution: 10 Years After the Rana Plaza Disaster

On April 24th, 2013, the Rana Plaza building in Bangladesh collapsed, killing over 1,100 garment workers and injuring thousands more. The tragedy sparked a global movement for transparency and accountability in the fashion industry, and in 2014, Fashion Revolution was born. This year marks the 10th anniversary of the disaster and the launch of the Fashion Revolution movement, which continues to advocate for a more sustainable and ethical fashion industry.

What is Fashion Revolution?

Fashion Revolution is a global movement that seeks to raise awareness of the social and environmental impact of the fashion industry and promote a more sustainable and ethical approach to fashion. The movement aims to engage consumers, brands, and policymakers in a conversation about the need for transparency and accountability in the fashion industry.

Why is the 10th Anniversary of the Rana Plaza Disaster Important?

The 10th anniversary of the Rana Plaza disaster is a reminder of the human cost of fast fashion and the need for systemic change in the fashion industry. The tragedy exposed the exploitative practices of the garment industry and highlighted the urgent need for better working conditions and fair wages for garment workers around the world.

What Can We Do to Support Fashion Revolution?

  1. Ask Who Made My Clothes: One of the ways to support Fashion Revolution is by asking brands who made your clothes and what steps they are taking to ensure fair labor practices and environmental sustainability.

  2. Shop Ethically: Another way to support Fashion Revolution is by shopping from ethical and sustainable brands that prioritize fair labor practices and environmental sustainability.

  3. Get Involved: Fashion Revolution encourages people to get involved in their local communities by hosting events and engaging in conversations about the need for a more sustainable and ethical fashion industry.

The 10th anniversary of the Rana Plaza disaster is an important milestone for the Fashion Revolution movement. The tragedy highlighted the need for systemic change in the fashion industry and sparked a global conversation about the social and environmental impact of fashion. By asking #WhoMadeMyClothes, shopping ethically, and getting involved in local communities, we can support Fashion Revolution's mission to promote a more sustainable and ethical fashion industry.

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